Fred Penzel Ph.D.

What Cognitive Therapy Can Do for TTM

When it comes to the issue of therapy for trichotillomania (TTM), a lot of time is spent discussing behavioral approaches, and how to stop pulling. As Dr. Charles Mansueto likes to point out, TTM and other Body-focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) have many inputs, and the treatment requires a comprehensive approach that deals with as many of them as possible.

NAC and Trichotillomania

Over the years, it has become apparent that prescription medications, as remedies for trichotillomania (TTM), have proved to be somewhat of a disappointment. These meds have been employed since the early 1990’s, and although they may be seen to work occasionally for some individuals, research indicates that their overall effectiveness is not great for the majority of sufferers. 

What The Heck Is "Obsessive Slowness?"

Everybody has pet peeves. Mine happen to include technical terms that are commonly used but don't really mean anything. Within the field of OCD, one particular term that I really wish should go away is "obsessive slowness." Researchers and practitioners generally use it to describe the behavior of people who carry out everyday activities in an extremely slow manner.

Your Number is Up!: "Magical" Numbers And OCD)

Within limits, a certain amount of superstitious thinking can be a harmless part of normal life. The popularity of horoscopes, tarot card readings, good luck charms, and psychics in our own society bears witness to this. However, even in primitive societies where magic controls people's actions and decisions on an everyday basis, it is integrated into everyday life, regarded as a tool, and does not paralyze its users. 

To Be Or Not To Be. That Is The Obsession: Existential And Philosophical Obsessions

Steve, a 26 year-old computer programmer: “I can’t stop thinking about why we’re all here and whether there’s any purpose to life. I keep going over it in my mind all day long. I have continual thoughts of how one day I’ll be dead and no one will remember me. It will be as if I never existed.