Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Every item on the list below may not necessarily be true of a child with ADHD. If, however, you find that several of them seem to describe your child's behavior, and they are experiencing school difficulties, it might be advisable to seek a consultation, and possibly a formal evaluation with a specialist qualified to test for these types of problems.

  1. Fidgeting and squirming, with an inability to sit still. Frequently in motion.

  2. Easily distracted, and frequently inattentive.

  3. Often out of seat in school.

  4. Finds it difficult to stay with or finish tasks. May move on to other tasks without finishing the current one.

  5. Has problems following directions.

  6. Frequently loses personal possessions or materials necessary to do school work.

  7. Has a short attention span.

  8. Finds it hard to wait for his or her turn when in a group.

  9. Acts impulsively without thinking ahead to the possible consequences.

  10. Frequently talks too much, and prone to blurt out answers in class.

  11. Work and school materials tend to be sloppy and disorganized.

  12. Has problems playing quietly.

  13. Often interrupts others, or intrudes upon others inappropriately.